The main benefit:
Embark on a career in the IT sector with Power IT
Location: Bălți, Republic of Moldova
Highly qualified, skilled QA specialists, developers and project managers are needed by different industries, IT companies and various businesses.
How can you improve your knowledge and nail a job interview?
We are ready to offer the young talents all the support and help they need! Power IT encourages you to start planning!
We are ready to help you gain the necessary technical skills and business knowledge for working in different sectors of the IT industry.
If you are set to identify your future profession in the IT sector, we would like to offer you our support. At Power IT, we will teach you how to apply your knowledge in practice and will help you start working on your first project.

Fast track your
career with
power it

Intership Phases
1. Basics
Obtaining the necessary theoretical knowledge in the chosen field
2. Advanced
Combine the theoretical knowledge with the hands-on experience. Gain more practical experience by solving real problems
3. Real projects
Bolster your experience and skills by applying your knowledge in real projects
Requirements for

Level of English – B1 or greater
Basic knowledge of HTML,
CSS, algorithms, GIT
Algorithmic thinking
Good communication skills
& Technologies
- Java/Kotlin
- Python
- NodeJS
- React
- Angular
- Vue JS
- Bootstrap
- DevOps
- Wordpress
- Manual QA
- Automation QA
- Design
If you want to be a part of our great team, send a message to